Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will...... as in I will keep learning, I will be open to learning new things

I read this quote on a blog posting  this morning and was very taken by it:
"In times of change learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to work in a world that doesn't exist".                     - attributed to Eric Hoffer

I have not had the greatest last few days as I have come to fully understand a few things that I had kind of known, but was hoping against hope would not be.  I followed a link and  and was very encouraged by this article from Seth Godin.   I set up my blog as a way to document my personal learning journey, with the title reinforcing what it was to contain - me learning about new things.  May I always continue to do so.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Three beautiful things

I followed a link on a blog posting the other day that took me to Three Beautiful Things.  I was very taken by the idea and thought my post would reflect this.

1.  The gift of friendship.    A colleague's husband passed away suddenly last week.  As I sat at the funeral, I was humbled by how many of our staff were there to offer condolences,  friendship and support in which ever way they could. 

2.  Family.  My niece turned four on the weekend and we celebrated with some friends and family members.  Truly, what can be better than hanging out together, cooking a BBQ, laughing, sharing stories and catching up?

3.  School holidays.  Firstly I love them because it means I don't have to make the school lunches for two whole weeks!  Also because I get to spend time with my kids, just hanging out. 

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Never in my wildest dreams...

Sometimes, you just have to be careful what you wish for.  Because just sometimes they may come true, and not in the way you think!

I was sitting at home, minding my own business and moaning about doing my uni assignment when the phone rings late wed afternoon.  It was Clare Snowball ringing to let me know that she was unable to fly out that day to Brisbane to give her talk as she was very sick.  I felt so sorry for her, as she had put so much time and effort into her presentation, and was really looking forward to hearing Stephen Abram talk.  That was until she asked if I could go in her place to give her presentation.  I beg your pardon?  Not quite sure if I caught that right!

So, there I was, on thursday, sitting by myself in the foyer of Z block at QUT.  I was pondering  how just a few days ago, I was going to miss Clare and Stephen's presentations because I had missed out on a ticket, wishing there was someway I could have seen them.  And never in my wildest dreams, would I ever have believed that not only was I going to hear Stephen talk, but going to give Clare's presentation as well.

Stephen's talk was great, and he was sad to hear that Clare was sick as he was looking forward to meeting her and hearing her presentation.  I did not trip or fall over, and hopefully presented Clare's information to the best of my ability.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Teenagers' reading?

I would not exchange my love of literature for all the gold in the world

Am not sure if I have said how excited I am by the fact that Clare Snowball is coming to our library to talk!  She will be talking on Teenagers and Web 2.0 technologies.  I have been following Clare's blog Teenagers' reading? for awhile now, and 'met' her via comments I had placed on her blog.  She will be in Brisbane next week speaking at a seminar for Information Professionals called Reality 2.0, run by SLQ and ALIA. This seminar sold out very quickly, and I was moaning to Clare that I was going to miss her talk, and since she was in the area (Warwick/Toowoomba) did she want to come and talk our library!!  I still can't believe she said yes.  She will be talking at the Toowoomba City Library on Monday 15th September at 9.30 am.  All welcome.