Sunday, June 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by Werner Schnell

What can I say but THANK YOU to all staff at BSQ Library for allowing me to complete my prac with you all. I had the most marvelous time, and woke up each and every day so excited about what I would be learning.

As I spend the next few weeks completing my written report on my prac, I am going to use the time to really reflect on many of the things I observed at BSQ, in particular the notions of customer focus, customer service, the idea of roving reference vs the reality of it, user education, upselling, and some of your ideas on training. As my mind percolates on these matters, I will also be tossing into the equation the notion of Library 2.0 and looking at how it impacts upon these ideals and processes.

Just to say once more thank you so much for all the time you guys put into answering my many questions and for allowing me to constantly shadow your each and every move! I will miss you, and your workspace very much!! I do look forward to keeping in touch, and can't wait to hear how the new 23 Things training will be put into practice in your work environments, and actually seeing how you implement what you'll learn by creating an even better library service that has at its heart user participation! I am so jealous!!!!

Thank you, I will miss you all, and think of you often as I go back to my own Library.


  1. It feels so strange hearing great things about yourself. We really enjoyed your stay with us. I am glad we can keep in tuoch through this blog though, Martine.

  2. Hey there Martine, good to hear from you! Don't forget to let me know what happens with your job interview. Hope things are going well.

    PS Could you please ask Loretta the name of the web site she used to find out the info on the dalziel and Pascoe book for a customer when I was shadowing her. Thanks
